Ada Koh – Commercial Excellence Associate

Bachelor of Science (Chemistry & Biological Chemistry)
National Technology University

Throughout my internship journey, I immersed myself in the fascinating world of the chemical distribution business, honing in on the intricate details of the marketing aspect. The opportunity to craft newsletters for the surface technology department not only refined my writing skills but also filled each word with passion and purpose. Designing brand assets and marketing brochures became more than just tasks; they were gateways to a profound understanding of design.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to my supervisor Winn and my wonderful colleague Inandha for being beacons of patient guidance, lighting the path of my professional growth. The Maha culture, with its warm and inviting embrace, allowed me to forge connections with colleagues across diverse departments, creating a tapestry of collaboration.

As I express my gratitude for the invaluable experience gained at Maha, I carry with me not just lessons and skills but a genuine sense of belonging. These moments will forever shape my journey, and I embark on my future endeavors with a heart full of appreciation and eagerness to apply what I’ve learned.

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